Thursday, October 31, 2019

Impacts of Screens and Television on children Research Paper

Impacts of Screens and Television on children - Research Paper Example And though many parents do not feel disturbed regarding this issue, pedestrians claim that the impact of screens can be really damaging for children`s psyche. Generally, children`s behaviour, sleeping patterns, academic performance, the level of aggression, and physical health are affected by enormous time over the screen. However in this paper I am going to prove that the time spent by children in front of screens and the quality of the media products consumed play a decisive role for the overall effect. One of the major negative consequences of the time spent in front of screens is the influence on brain development. Despite the fact that scientists learn more and more how exactly child`s brain is changing there is still no clear picture of the impact of external factors on its work. The plasticity, flexibility, and weak connections between neurons make it possible to influence and reshape child`s brain. Neuroscientists claim that long and repetitive stimulation influence emotional and cognitive development of kids in different ways. First it is possible to speak of establishing of certain â€Å"habits of mind† by recurrent activities. Second, lack of certain stimuli also results in the mode of brain work. Children from the early age need directed communication with close people, diverse and intensive linguistic environment, stimulating physical interaction, and relevant to their age academic opportunities to develop normally. At the same time lack of these stimuli and passi vity deprive children of valuable resources (Healy, 2011). As a result children will further feel difficulties with engaging into normal social activities, playing, and using their cognitive abilities on the full capacity. However, if parents can keep balance between these activities and control children`s time spent with screen media it is possible to keep balance. Many experts claim that excess of Television and other screen media influence negatively imagination of children because of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wordsworth and Coleridge Essay Example for Free

Wordsworth and Coleridge Essay Wordsworth and Coleridge saw themselves as worshippers of nature. How is this demonstrated in Lyrical Ballads? (an exam-style essay) Themes relating to nature are instrumental in the poetry collection Lyrical Ballads by William Wordworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. As part of the Romantic movement, both poets strongly believed in a power and supreme beauty of nature and the education it can impart onto man, and their works in Lyrical Ballads demonstrate this. In The Dungeon, Coleridge demonstrates his view that nature has healing properties and that it would be a more effective method of rehabilitating criminals than the usual method of locking them away in prison would be an elevated view of nature and its power. He justifies this opinion using glorious imagery describing nature as he sees it, with the intent of portraying its complete beauty. Thy sunny hues, fair forms, and breathing sweets, Thy melodies of woods, and winds, and waters, Coleridge also uses a direct contrast and juxtaposition with this and the dark imagery used in the first stanza to emphasise the beauty of nature. He also does this to demonstrate that the dark and horrible dungeon and the free and beautiful nature are polar opposites, and ultimately to come to the conclusion that they have similar effects on criminals. Circled with evil, till his very soul Unmoulds its essence, hopelessly deformed By sights of ever more deformity! Using this juxtaposition, Coleridge explains that the total beauty of nature will overcome the criminal and their dark ways. He expresses how nature will appear a jarring and dissonant thing as it is as far-removed from their dark and deceitful ways as is possible. Finally, he concludes that this will immediately have the effect of healing him and removing all bad intent that he possesses (His angry spirit healed and harmonized / By the benignant touch of love and beauty) This conclusion is very much in keeping with the Romantic idea of the supreme power and beauty of nature and the profound impact it can have on man. This is a theme also explored in The Tables Turned, in which Wordsworth argues that there is more to be learnt from nature than there is from books and conventional education. To this end, he uses a affable and conversational style (Up! Up! My friend, and quit your books) to mimic the emotive encouraging of one man to another to leave their studying aside and go out into nature. In this conversational style he abandons the pretence and subtlety that are commonplace in classical poetry, and tries to persuade the reader of the much greater value of experiencing nature, in contrast to the irrelevance of books, through such passages as Let Nature be your teacher. The personification of nature throughout serves to further emphasise the fact that it can be a superior substitute for conventional education, and has a far greater knowledge to impart than its perceived inanimateness would suggest. In the last two stanzas, a different tone is adopted as Wordsworth ceases his direct plea and talks of, using emotive language such as murder, how humanitys meddling intellect and study of, amongst other things, nature, has distorted and lessened its beauty. To conclude the poem, he uses the metaphor of books being barren leaves (dead and of little value), in contrast with the previous personification of nature and its rich portrayal of being beautiful and very much alive. This human distortion of nature is also a theme prominent in The Nightingale. In this, Coleridge argues that the classical poets of old who commented on nature did not have a full understanding of it, but instead wrote at length about it, projecting their own feelings and opinions onto their depiction of it. He manifests this through the Nightingale, which the speaker cannot believe is portrayed as most melancholy, whilst, he argues in nature there is nothing melancholy. Showing disdain for the poets who wrote like this, he takes a similar approach to Wordsworth in The Tables Turned and argues that they had far better stretchd [their] limbs / Beside a brook in mossy forest-dell / By sun or moonlight, or in other words experience nature and come to understand it fully before writing about it. He further concludes that nature is essentially joyous and should inspire joy; it must not be made to serve simply as a screen upon which our human feelings are indiscriminately projected. Throughout Lyrical Ballads, unsophisticated form and structures are used, such as in The Dungeon, which is written in simple blank verse, a style of writing very similar to normal everyday speech and in The Nightingale, which is subtitled a conversational poem. This form is used to help convey that their poetry can be ordinary and be understood by ordinary people, and that its themes are relevant to all. In the case of The Dungeon, this idea is then emphasise by the use of a prisoner as the main character; elevated and unrealistic characters are not used; the likes of whom were prominent in classical poetry, which Wordsworth and Coleridge undoubtedly viewed as out of the reach of the normal person. This shows that the poets wanted their message to reach as many people as possible, and it not bypass some who would be put off by more formal poetry. It is also in keeping with the Romantic belief that wisdom is not to be found in books, sciences and the arts, but in nature itself.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What Are The Driving Forces Behind Globalisation Politics Essay

What Are The Driving Forces Behind Globalisation Politics Essay From the end of World War Two there has arisen a trend within international relations towards increasing regional cooperation and integration.After the collapse of the Berlin wall this process has rapidly accelerated. Today there are a myriad of Regional Integration Agreements (RIA) that span all continents, regions and conceivably all nations in a complex web of political, economic, social and cultural ties European integration is one of the longest standing and most deeply integrated examples; however Asia, Africa and the Americas have all seen the need for greater cooperation and integration within respective regions. Exactly who, why and how states integrate varies greatly. As time passes and confidence grows between partners there is a trend towards a deepening of interaction and cooperation/integration may very likely extend to areas outside those originally envisaged. It can be considered that regional integration/cooperation is globalisation at a regional level, or globalisation is regional integration/cooperation on a global scale. Has increased regional integration and cooperation led to globalisation, or has globalisation led to greater regional integration and cooperation? Regionalisation and Globalisation are difficult to separate. While conceptually it is easy to recognise that regionalisation applies at a regional level there is considerable overlap. You may view the world as a system of international anarchy dominated by the nation state and motivated by national self interest; or you may have a somewhat more optimistic view of international relations and see people striving to work together for mutual benefit under a global system of systems where communities are divided into many varying subsets determined by historical, cultural, geographical and ideological factors. Regardless of viewpoint the, fact that the world is becoming more int egrated is impossible to deny. Kofi Annans quote at the start of this paper is very apt in highlighting this. Arguing against regionalisation, whatever your view on the relationship between regionalisation and globalisation, is like arguing against the laws of gravity. The aim of this paper is to determine the driving forces behind processes of regional integration and cooperation. This will be achieved by first defining what regional integration and cooperation is. This will be followed by a discussion of how regions integrate and cooperate and for what reasons using examples from Europe, South East Asia and Africa. The paper will conclude with a discussion of the driving forces behind regional integration and cooperation. WHAT IS REGIONAL INTEGRATION? Confucius once said If names are not right, words are misused. When words are misused, affairs go wrong.  [4]  With a myriad of terminology such as regionalism, globalism, regionalisation, globalisation, regional integration, global integration and so on, it is easy to misuse words and become confused by them. The problem with globalisation is that by its very nature it is complex and all encompassing. Regionalisation, which I will define as globalisation at the regional level, is therefore complex and all encompassing at a regional level. Following this logic it is therefore apparent that regional integration as a concept differs from global integration only in the geographic boundaries you place around it. So as to simplify this problem and free us from misunderstanding we need to be very clear about what regional integration is, what regional cooperation is and how these relate to the wider global environment. So that confusion is not introduced the concepts of globalisation, regionalisation, globalism and regionalism need also to be placed firmly in context. Globalisation is a term that refers to the acceleration and intensification of mechanisms, and activities that are allegedly promoting global interdependence and perhaps, ultimately, global political and economic integration.  [5]  Regionalism is defined as intensifying political and/or economic processes of cooperation among states and other actors in particular geographic regions.  [6]  Therefore regionalisation is a term that refers to the acceleration and intensification of mechanisms, and activities that are allegedly promoting regional interdependence and perhaps, ultimately, regional political and economic integration. Globalism would then be intensifying political and/or economic processes of cooperation among states and other actors throughout the world. To reiterate, globalism and regionalism are political processes consciously undertaken by states whereas globalisation and regionalisation are labels for the overall affect of the external environment, at either a gl obal or regional level, that therefore affects the choices politicians make. For obvious reasons globalisation is a much more prevalent term than regionalisation and likewise regionalism is much more prevalent than globalism. You may enquiry as to why this is and why this point is being somewhat laboured. The point is that globalisation represents the unknown or the influences outside a nations direct control. It is human nature to inflate your fears and concerns and therefore labelling the current environmental effects as a globes worth of issues is more concerning that focussing on your local or regional issues. To confront these issues however it is human nature to focus on what is being done closer to home. Thus the environment (globalisation) has a wider focus than the solution (regionalism). Integration and cooperation are best conceived as labels for progress along a line of increasing interdependence. Individual nations may start with limited or no interaction, progress to a point where they are cooperating and then reach a point where they can be considered integrated. The exact differentiation between whether a nation is cooperating partially integrated or fully integrated is outside the scope of this paper. Needless to say the example of a more integrated region is that of Europe while I will use South East Asia as an example of region that is best described as closer to cooperation than integration. To reinforce this integration is best thought of as a process. The process of integration can be viewed as comprising of four elements. The first part of the process is a movement towards greater cooperation between integrating states; another element is the transference of authority to an authority above that of the state; homogenisation of values is, whether intended or not, an outcome of increased integration; and finally the emergence of a regional/global civil society can be argued to be both a cause of and result of integration.  [7]   So what becomes more integrated during a process of integration? Integration can occur in many areas of political concern. Economic, security and social/cultural are the main areas of integration considered. Integration is a political decision made by nations leaders for political purposes. The reasons why and how integration occurs is almost as diverse as the opinions of world leaders and the challenges faced by them. Therefore in order to understand more clearly how integration comes about we need to investigate some examples of regional integration. EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Europe is considered by many as the example of the region that has progressed furthest down the road of integration. After World War Two Europe was economically ruined, socially stressed and politically divided by what was to become known as the iron curtain. The United States provided encouragement in the form of the Marshal plan to rebuild and strengthen Western Europe against the spectre of Communism in the east.  [8]  Europeans also felt a growing need to strengthen themselves against irrelevance in a bipolar world.  [9]  ,  [10]  These early security fears of Europe led to the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949. Economically the first evidence of European integration is in the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. The aim of the treaty was to contribute, through a common market for coal and steel, to economic expansion, growth of employment and a rising standard of living. The treaty created a supra national agency to oversee aspects of national coal and steel policy such as levels of production.  [11]   The end of the Cold War in 1989-91 has seen a further spur to European integration. With the fall of the Berlin wall and the dismantling of a bipolar world, Europe was able to incorporate further countries within an increasingly diverse framework of integration. While much of the integration was led by economic considerations, there has been increasingly greater integration at the political and social levels also. The Maastricht treaty was signed by twelve European nations in 1991 establishing the European Union (EU). Since then the EU has progressed further down the path of integration with the latest treaty being the Treaty of Lisbon that entered force on 1st December 2009. The EU now consists of twenty seven countries with a number of candidate nations awaiting entry sometime in the future.  [12]   As mentioned earlier, it was a desire to strengthen Europe against a competing ideology during the Cold War that was the first step in European integration. As it transpired, democracy proved superior to communism in the long run. Economically, liberal capitalism has enabled Europe to outperform the centrally controlled socialist markets of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. With the fall of the Berlin wall it became even more apparent that liberal market philosophies provided a basis for greater efficiency and greater competitiveness. Europe in general and the EU in particular serve to highlight this point. OTHER REGIONS MOVE TOWARDS INTEGRATION While Europe is the most advanced down the path of integration, other regions have not been idle. South East Asia is an example of a looser cooperation in the form of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN was formed in 1967 between Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. Since then membership has expanded to include Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. South East Asian integration is an example of cooperation being used to build confidence amongst developing nations. ASEAN has always been very mindful of being overly legalistic and binding. The ASEAN way of doing business has become synonymous with building close personal relationships between leaders, being flexible and non-binding in decisions and adhering to a respect of other nations sovereignty including undertaking a non-interference policy with respect to other ASEAN nations internal matters.  [13]   Despite criticisms of being all talk and no action and providing legitimacy to the military junta in Myanmar, the ASEAN way has shown a remarkable ability to engender cooperation and trust between its members. When ASEAN was first established most members were newly independent nations and the Cold War was in full swing. Indonesia was perceived by some as a threat and it was therefore felt that the best course of action was greater engagement to build confidence and trust between nations in the region. Therefore ASEANs initial aims were for social and cultural interchange. As time has passed and members have grown comfortable with each other aspects of cooperation have become feasible. Economic and military cooperation has increased and the level and diversity of programs conducted within ASEAN has increased. ASEAN now emphasises cooperation within three pillars. These are security, social/cultural and economic. As confidence has grown, ASEAN nations have also reached out further afi eld to first East Asia; in the form of ASEAN plus three (APT), in which China, Japan and South Korea are members; the East Asia Summit, which adds India, Australia, New Zealand and potentially soon Russia; through to the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in which twenty seven nations are involved.  [14]   Like Europe, South East Asian leaders made political decisions that the security and prosperity of their respective nations lay in greater cooperation and collaboration. Given their shared colonial experiences and wary of being used as superpower pawns during the Cold War, ASEAN leaders charted a course where they could find common cause with neighbouring Asian nations and through cooperation achieve stability and then economic prosperity. Social/cultural cooperation served as a confidence building measure; increased confidence lead to greater stability and greater Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); and greater FDI led to economic growth and prosperity. While Europe is an example of developed nations integrating and South East Asia provides an approach by developing nations, they are by no means the only examples. The North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), comprising Canada, the United States and Mexico was the North American response to the challenges of a globalising world and provides and example of the trend towards integration across the global North-South divide.  [15]  MERCOSUR and the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) are likewise South American moves. Africa has had mixed success in achieving successful integration through the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), although of late as the African Union (AU), there appears to be more success even in this region.  [16]   NAFTA started with a free trade agreement between Canada and the United States and was expanded to include Mexico in 1992. NAFTA is an important example of a move towards integration between two developed economies and a developing economy. Integrating economies with such diversity of economic institutions has been challenging but successful. NAFTA has also led to greater integration throughout the Americas overall with the signing of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in 2001.  [17]  It is considered by some that NAFTA in particular and other moves towards regional integration were in response to a Fortress Europe mentality.  [18]   WHAT ARE THE DRIVERS OF REGIONAL INTEGRATION? Regional integration is nothing new. Historically however regional integration was achieved through conquest or colonisation.  [19]  Since the end of World War Two there has been a growing trend of regional Integration via treaty or international agreement. Although currently regional integration is often associated with economic reasons, fundamentally regional integration is a political decision and based on political considerations. Individual nations respond to the global climate to address their needs and move forward as a society. Amongst the most basic of national needs is that of stability and security both from internal and external threats. It has been argued that one means of protecting a nation from external aggression is to become so interdependent that aggression becomes too expensive to consider.  [20]   Under the bipolar structure of the Cold War many states were looking for ways to provide additional security from the threat of superpower conflict. While global war or nuclear holocaust was one level of concern, another was the threat of becoming a victim of a proxy war between the superpowers. While Western Europe was focussed on a very real threat from communism behind the iron curtain, other regions such as South East Asia had concerns from communist insurgency or the domino theory. Overall however the Cold War effectively divided the globe into two essentially disconnected parts. So while regionalism could occur in between some nations, others were excluded because they were either on the other side of the iron curtain or determined not to take sides with a superpower. With the end of the Cold War this brake was suddenly released and a flood of connections were soon to be realised. Figure 1.1below provides a graphical representation of the dramatic increasing occurrence of regional integration agreements after the end of the Cold War.C:UsersAkoDocumentsMTATTerm 1MTAT UM MODULE 2010AUFB 5102AssignmentGraph1.jpgToday the number of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) continues to multiply. The WTO notes: The surge in RTAs has continued unabated since the early 1990s. Some 462 RTAs have been notified to the GATT/WTO up to February 2010. Of these, 345 RTAs were notified under Article XXIV of the GATT 1947 or GATT 1994; 31 under the Enabling Clause; and 86 under Article V of the GATS. At that same date, 271 agreements were in force.  [21]   It is apparent from these figures that regionalism is continuing to be desirable for nations. It is worth pointing out again that economic integration is only part of the overall picture. Security and social/cultural integration also continues. The United States in particular is active in many regional security agreements. Whether they are treaties, agreements or understandings many nations in the world today have sought and continue to seek greater cooperation and integration of military capabilities to meet their regions security needs. NATO is the largest example of this and again the most advanced with regard to the level of standardisation and integration achieved. Within South East Asia the Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA) between Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand is a smaller example. Social/Cultural integration can take many forms. From labour laws, immigration policies, education exchanges, tourism and even sporting competitions the world has increasingly become integrated. Often social integration is a first step. Sports in particular offer an easy, non-threatening manner in which people of one nation can learn about another. Regionalism is readily apparent in sport with examples such as the European cup in football, the Super fifteen rugby competition in the southern hemisphere, the National Hockey League (NHL) in Canada and the United States. While the increase in regional integration of sporting competitions is not as significant or prevalent as economic integration it serves as a reminder that integration can take many forms and is not just a single dimensional phenomenon. Having looked at regional integration in terms of economic, security and social/cultural terms it is apparent that regional integration has been a significant phenomenon, particularly in terms of economic integration since the end of the Cold War. There is no doubt that regional integration is a political decision based on politicians seeking to do what is best for their respective nations and citizens. So what are the driving forces behind regionalism? It is generally considered that there has been two major phases of regionalism since the end of World War Two. The first phase occurred under the bipolar structure of the Cold War and saw regionalism used as a means to bolster regions abilities to deal with the security challenges of the Cold War. With the end of the Cold War in the early 90s globalisation became the driver for regionalism as regions sought to achieve competitive advantage and economy of scale economically.  [22]   There is plenty of academic debate over how globalisation has influenced the trend towards regionalism. Some consider regionalism has been undertaken to protect a region from the effects of globalisation while other argue that regionalism is driving globalisation. This has lead to the terms open and closed regionalism. Closed regionalism is where a region attempts to protect itself from the external world by reducing barriers within the region while maintaining barriers to those external to the region. The trend however has been away from closed regionalism and towards open regionalism. Open regionalism is where a region integrates so that their common market gains in attractiveness to foreign investment and improves in terms of overall economic efficiency.  [23]  It is worth noting that that it is now against WTO rules to form a regional trade agreement where greater barriers are imposed on external nations.  [24]   CONCLUSION Looking back to the discussion on definitions earlier in the paper it is now clear that the driving force of regional integration has to be the contemporary environment. Globalisation is dominating the contemporary environment. Globalisation is a label intended to simplify descriptions of an increasing inter-connectedness, interdependency and increasing complexity of human interaction throughout the globe. As much as globalisations knockers wish it to go away, Kofi Annans analogy with gravity highlights the futility of fighting globalisation. Globalisation is a logical result of improved communication and transport technology. People are increasingly aware what is going on everywhere in the world. Personal contact with people from other nations and cultures is providing greater insight into the basic humanity of all peoples. With greater visibility however also comes greater fear and concern. Global society has many layers and those layers are increasingly accessible to all. Human so cieties all have the same basic needs but globalisation can appear to threaten as much as it offers. Regionalism is a graduated response to a scary external world. People cling to those they are more familiar with and feel safer because of this. Politicians are no different to anybody else. Whether it be an authoritarian regime that wants to protect itself from a threatening world or a democratic leader that has to consider the views of the people more directly, all politicians respond in some way to the external environment. It can be argued that the end of the Cold War was a driver of regionalism. But the end of the Cold War is just a signpost in history. If it were a driver why is regionalism continuing to occur? The significance of the end of the Cold War is just that a line dividing the world from itself was removed. Regionalism occurred before, during and after the Cold War. The reason regionalism is so topical is simply because the rate of occurrence has dramatically increased in this so called second phase of regionalism. Cheap instantaneous communication is rapidly engulfing the globe. Accessible and affordable transportation is available to a large proportion of the worlds population. This easy contact with the global community will continue to drive every significant issue for at least the next fifty years.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Yahweh: The Powerful, Soverseign Being God Essay -- text, behind, fron

Since the beginning of time, Yahweh has been illustrated as a powerful, sovereign being, and as the creator of good and evil. This characterization of God is presented through a methodological analysis of the three worlds- world behind the text, world in front of the text, and world of the text- in Isaiah 6 and 1 Kings 22. The world behind the text is the era of Ahab's ruling. The king of Aram and Ahab, the king of Israel created a treaty upon their kingdoms. However, in the third year of their treaty, Ahab and his vassal, King Jehosphaphat, realize Ramoth-gilead belonged to the Israelite kingdom. Before seeking battle, King Ahab calls upon his 400 prophets to determine if the kingdom was in favor in battle. However, King Jehosphaphat doubts Ahab's royal court. Hesitant of Micaiah's unfavored predictions of Ahab, the king summons Micaiah. Micaiah's relationship with the other 400 prophets was stable, until the messenger of King Ahab tries to persuade Micaiah to lie to the king, 1 However, Micaiah speaks the truth and predicts failure for Ahab. Because of Micaiah's faithfulness to Yahweh, the 400 prophets resent Micaiah in fear that his prophecy is accurate. Fulfilling Micaiah's prophecy and the Lord's intention, Ahab is defeated and killed in war. Micaiah and Isaiah's revelation of God are analyzed in the world in front of the text. Isaiah's prophet "call" and the account of Micaiah's prophecy has similarities and difference between the two texts. Isaiah 6 and Micaiah 22 passages describe Yahweh enthroned at divine council. A judgment is being held regarding the future of the human realm. The two prophets, Isaiah and Micaiah, witness the discussion of this issue between God and the heavenly council. The Lord asks for assista... ...t. In 1 Kings, Micaiah foretells that 8Cyrus carried out the Lord's mission and effected Israel's salvation; he became the new king of Israel, and new shepherd for the Israelites. The Lord is recognized as being the creator and controller of nature and history, 9 God is the maker of weal and woe, good and evil. Yahweh creates a temporary evil to entice Ahab to seek war. He places a lying spirit in the mouths of his prophets to support his decision to battle Aram. Because of this temptation and evil, Ahab is defeated and killed at war. The two prophet's accounts of God have structural similarities; however, they both contain differences. In Isaiah's vision of God, He is illustrated as a powerful and sovereign being. Whereas in Micaiah's passage, Yahweh is portrayed as a creator of good and evil. Isaiah 45 combines these two characteristics of God to better explain.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Manage Risk Essay

First of all, the aim of business is increasing of income. They should consider how to maintain existing regular income and to increase new revenue by the expansion. When the business is expanded, they should have enough research and money. The expand looks dangerous. For the safety, they need life guards who are strong swimmers and helpers to control houseboat in high winds. It has many interceptive problems for the expansion like climate and noise. For the success, they need equip tent, beach parasol and soundproof walls. Before making an investment in the expansion, they should consider with the profitability. ASSESSMENT TOOL 2 In Australia, federal and state laws protect you, your business and your customers from unfair trading practices and mishandling of personal information. These laws, together with industry codes of practice, help to ensure that your business operates fairly and competitively and that all consumers are adequately informed and protected. In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence. The claimant must be able to show a duty of care imposed by law which the defendant has breached. In turn, breaching a duty may subject an individual to liability. The duty of care may be imposed by operation of law between individuals with no current direct relationship (familial or contractual or otherwise), but eventually become related in some manner, as defined by common law (meaning case law). Duty of care may be considered a formalization of the social contract, the implicit responsibilities held by individuals towards others within society. It is not a requirement that a duty of care be defined by law, though it will often develop through the jurisprudence of common law. Assessment tool 3: project Part1 Current risk management These are the three ways to control the risk of any loss: Insurance Loss prevention Contingency planning Nearly every warehouse operator has insurance. You need to recognize the significant differences in liability among logistics service providers, common carriers and wholesale distributors scope The place where raw material and/or finished goods are stored is referred to as warehouse or store. Generally, warehouse is structure or building design keeping in mind raw material and finished goods it is going to store. Therefore, warehouse management should be able to: Receive the purchase goods and entered upon the stock register. Inventory Accounting of raw material, work-in-progress or finished goods. Preservation of the inventory Ability to access goods whenever called upon. Appropriate record keeping through coding as to preserve goods and reduce obsolescence. Proper stocking of goods as ensure smooth handling. Political environment The political environment is a key component of the business environment that dictates greatly on the success of your home business. What happens in the politics of your country as well as that of other countries influences a lot your home business. Usually, the term political environment is used to refer to the nature of the political situation in the country where you are doing business or where you intend to do business. Economic climate A general characterization of the overall mood of the global economy or of a regional economy, which captures the status of the stock market, the perception of the economy by consumers, and the availability of jobs and credit. Business decisions such as hiring, borrowing, lending, and investment in new initiatives are often strongly influenced by the overall economic climate. Social Factors We all live in either a multicultural or self society so this means there are many factors that affect or direct our lifestyle. These factors are called social factors. some important social actors are: 1. Religion 2. Ethnicity 3. Family 4. Physical attributes 5. Economic Status 6. Education 7. Locality( Location) 8. Life Partner and children 9. Political System Legal factors Legal factors relate to new laws or directives governing how businesses behave. This can be in relation to other businesses, customers or the environment. For example, it is essential that all agricultural products are used safely. Syngenta seeks to meet and exceed the requirements of local and international laws for all the countries within which it operates. Policy context Climate change is a complex issue and responding to it requires the planner to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of information, advice, policy and legislation. By providing context and background, this section of the toolkit will help you make informed decisions about developing and implementing policy in this area. Critical success factor (CSF) is the term for an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission. It is a critical factor or activity required for ensuring the success of a company or an organization. The term was initially used in the world of data analysis, and business analysis. For example, a CSF for a successful Information Technology (IT) project is user involvement. Stakeholder 1. Accountable – some stakeholders are accountable for the success of the entire project or a particular phase of the project, generally they are the departmental or divisional managers or; 2. Responsible – some stakeholders are responsible for the deliverables, generally they have been charged by management to provide a definitive outcome from the project; or 3. Consultation – some stakeholders are used as consultants like an Subject Matter Expert (SME); or 4. Informed – some stakeholders need to be kept informed, generally management who needs to know where their investment dollars have ended up or external parties. Stakeholder Internal Stakeholders Board members Former board members Staff members Former staff members Volunteers Former Volunteers Donors External Stakeholders Clients Community partners Members of groups served by our organization who are not accessing our services Leaders of color from nonprofit, public, or private sectors Stakeholders do not need to know everything about the technology or even the application. A high level overview with the understanding of what is being  delivered is sufficient. What stakeholders need to provide is a positive energy charge to lead the organisation through this project. Working with such stakeholders will provide the project with a boost of confidence knowing that the stakeholders are enthusiastic about this project. Given the right stakeholders in any given project, the success rate of the project will be much better than having stakeholders with judgemental bias whereby these stakeholders will reflect inappropriate reasoning compared with best practises as provided by the implementation team. This is a crucial step in applying the risk management process. Like many aspects of risk management, the identification of significant risks is often subjective and reliant on personal experience and judgement. For this reason, several heads will be found to be better than one during this phase of the process. It is therefore important that relevant operational staff be closely involved in identifying and/or confirming significant risks under each source category. PART 2 STRENGTHS The strengths listed below were identified in the business: The managing member of the business is committed, dedicated and passionate about providing warehousing and distribution services. The creditworthiness of the business owner The knowledge and skills demonstrated by the member The business has done a study of the market and identified potential customers for their business WEAKNESSES The identified weaknesses for ExpressX Warehousing and Distribution (Transportation) Services are as follows: The lack of highly specialized warehousing and distribution expertise within the business The lack of funding to source highly specialized technology is a weakness for the business The lack of a comprehensive marketing plan and strategy is another weakness The small workforce capacity may result in the business loosing out on lucrative warehousing and distribution opportunities OPPORTUNITIES There are numerous opportunities for the business in terms of Government assistance. The business is open to assistance from agencies such as Small Enterprise Development Agency, The National Youth Development Agency and many others Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment presents great opportunities for ExpressX Warehousing and Distribution Services There are opportunities for South Africans to export products. This may bring about a market for warehousing services as some goods need to be stored in a reliable warehouse prior to being exported The opportunity presented by SETA could open better avenues for learnership and development in the business Other opportunities include the growth in middle income groups as well as the increase in double income families THREATS There is a threat from well established competitors that have a solid goodwill The threat attributable to changes in the preferences and tastes of consumers The threat from substitute services The threat from new entrants as the barriers of entry are not too cumbersome Risks Description Mitigation of risks Finance risk The financial risk is observed from the fact that the contribution to be made the owner is considerably less as compared to the required outside borrowings that are to be sourced from banks in form of a loan. The business owner will retain at least 60% of the profits into the business. This will be done in the first year of operations so as to mitigate the risk within the short term. Market risk The market features well established competitors and therefore ExpressX Warehousing and Distribution (Transportation) Services will have to compete for market share. The market risk may also surface from the fact that most manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and other parties likely to utilize warehousing services already have in house warehouses and handle their own distribution. The business will seek assistance from small business support agencies such as the National Youth Development Agency for assistance with a comprehensive marketing plan and strategy. The marketing plan and strategy will help the business compete with greater strength and position it to attain a greater customer satisfaction rate. Human resource risk In terms of human resource, the risk may be a result of the business not being able to recruit the right employees and retain quality employees. High quality employees may prove to be costly to retain. The human resource risk will be mitigated by actively pursuing learnership and development activities. The business will seek assistance from SEDA for skills development. Operational risk The business might have capacity and equipment constraints as some goods for storage require special storage facilities. There may also be a risk of not being as efficient and effective due to lack of advanced logistics software and other technologies. The business will in the initial stages focus on storing merchandise that does not require specials storage facilities and then pursue advanced storage facilities at a later stage. The business will strive to source affordable support technologies. Part 3 What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? What further action is necessary? Slips, trips and falls All staff may suffer sprains or fractures if they trip over debris or slip on spillages. Flooring kept dry and quality maintained. All staff trained to maintain good housekeeping standards and ensure stock does not project into gangways. Cleaner empties bins and removes loose debris daily. Pallets stored safely in designated area. Protective non-slip footwear supplied and worn. Suitable absorber to be made available for liquid spills. Staff to be trained to clean and dry any spillages immediately. Extra bins to be provided for waste material near loading bays. Operation of lift trucks Injuries such as fractures or, at worst, fatalities can be caused as a result of: the vehicle crashing into other vehicles and/or other objects; staff and visitors being hit by lift trucks; objects falling from lift trucks onto staff and visitors; lift trucks toppling over; people falling from the vehicle or parts of the vehicle; and being crushed by the mast All operators trained and competent for use of the lift truck. Trucks serviced regularly and examined by suppliers every six months. Drivers instructed to keep keys with them at all times System in place for refresher training of drivers. Gangways and aisles of sufficient space to enable lift trucks to load and unload from the racking safely. System in place to keep vehicles and pedestrians separated. Access to warehouse restricted to staff. Floor condition maintained on a regular basis, housekeeping standards maintained by cleaner and workforce. Warning signs located around the traffic route. Trucks have seat belts and roll cages. Supervisor to ensure truck drivers check trucks each day before starting. Separate pedestrian entrance(s) with protective barrier rail to be provided next to roller-shutter doors. Housekeeping standards and floor condition to be covered by a monthly inspection by manager and brief record kept. Strict requirement that only competent drivers may operate lift trucks to be explained to all staff. Disciplinary action to be taken against anyone involved in breaking this rule. Falling objects From racking and during movement A member of staff or any other person in the warehouse may suffer serious injury if struck by a falling object Racking is designed to be suitable for the loads carried and has not been modified. Staff report any damage to racking immediately. System in place to make sure defective pallets withdrawn from use immediately. Protective footwear used by all entering warehouse. Protective gloves provided to handle pallets. Sign fixed to racking stating maximum loads/configuration. Hazardous substances Vehicle exhaust fumes The fumes may cause staff eye irritation and respiratory irritation. Number of vehicles delivering materials is relatively low and exposure very limited; this prevents build-up of fumes. Drivers not allowed to leave vehicles’ engines running in warehouse. Roller shutter doors and warehouse windows open, where practicable, to assist ventilation. No further action required. Bleach and cleaning fluids Direct skin contact could lead to the cleaner getting skin irritation. The vapour may cause the cleaner to have eye irritation or breathing difficulties Cleaner made aware of safe procedures. Rubber gloves used. First-aid facilities (including eye wash) are readily available. Investigate availability of safer alternatives for cleaner. Recharging of forklift truck batteries – potential explosion by release of hydrogen, spillage of acid Burns or fractures from material ejected could affect any worker nearby at the time Batteries charged in designated bay that is well ventilated. Safe system of work used which includes provision and use of goggles and gloves. Potential sources of ignition controlled. Supervisor to monitor and ensure protective equipment is being worn. Falls from height Staff could suffer severe or even fatal injuries if they fell whilst climbing racking All staff are given strict instructions never to climb racking – monitored by supervisors Part 4 Suitable absorber to be made available for liquid spills. Staff to be trained to clean and dry any spillages immediately. Extra bins to be provided for waste material near loading bays. Supervisor to ensure truck drivers check trucks each day before starting. Separate pedestrian entrance(s) with protective barrier rail to be provided next to roller-shutter doors. Housekeeping standards and floor condition to be covered by a monthly inspection by manager and brief record kept. Strict requirement that only competent drivers may operate lift trucks to be explained to all staff. Disciplinary action to be taken against anyone involved in breaking this rule. Sign fixed to racking stating maximum loads/configuration To identify the hazards The manager then wrote down who could be harmed by the hazards and how. For each hazard identified, the manager recorded what controls, if any, were in place to manage these. She then compared these controls to the good practice guidance laid out in Warehousing and storage: A guide to health and safety and Essentials of health and safety at work publications. Where existing controls did not meet good practice, the manager wrote down what further actions were needed to manage the risk. Putting the findings of the risk assessment into practice, the warehouse manager decided who was responsible for implementing the further actions and when it should be done. She wrote this down and when each action was completed it was ticked off and the date recorded. The warehouse manager discussed the findings with the safety representative. They decided to review and update the assessment at least annually, or at any time when major changes to the workplace occurred. The warehouse manager gave out copies of the risk assessment to all members of staff.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Below the Mill Dam essays

Below the Mill Dam essays What a story is about on the surface is not what it is necessarily about on the inside with the use of metaphors. When a story uses two levels of meaning such as this it is called an allegory, and is useful when writers want to make a comparison by using representation and symbolism such as in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. In it Bunyan uses a simple wicket gate to actually mean spiritual enlightenment and even heaven (depending on interpretation). Similarly, in "Below the Mill Dam" Kipling successfully uses a traditional English water mill with a cat and a rat to be a deeper commentary on the nature of change. On the surface this seemingly bizarre story is about an English Black Rat, a Grey Cat, an old Mill Wheel and the water it is employed with; all of whom speak to each other. The story begins one evening with the wheel constantly quoting the Domesday Books Latin verses. The Domesday Book, which was completed in 1086, listed all the possessions of everybody in England. The Black English Rat is introduced as a smug, high class figure as Kipling wrote, ... the Black Rat [sat] on the cross-beam, luxuriously trimming his whiskers... [and said] I am not above appreciating my position and all it means (Kipling 80). The cat is introduced as a similar character to that of the Black Rat although a little more relaxed, ... said the Grey Cat, coiled up on a piece of sacking (80). These characteristics set the stage for the changes that were to take place. As the story proceeds and characters evolve, the Mill and the Wheel change with the introduction of (at that point) modern technology such as light bulbs and turbines to increase efficiency. The Black Rat and the Grey Cat are critical of these changes with comments such as Whatever it is... its overdone. They can never keep it up, you know (85). The story ends with the Wheel embracing turbines, the Black R ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chapter case study Essay Example

Chapter case study Essay Example Chapter case study Essay Chapter case study Essay A key component of data security was also implemented with the vendor data site to reverent vendors from accessing each others data and compromising proprietary information (Viscosity, 2008, p. 1). There are many types of communication applications used by Wall-Mart to help them maintain their rank in the top of the retail business. The most typical types used by Wall-Mart are their automated distribution system, their computerized routing systems and the electronic data interchange (DE) (Boogie, 2013, p. 126). These are all used to synonymously create an efficient process for Wall-Mart to succeed at remaining one of the top competitive tillers in the world. Along with communication applications, there are also applications of wireless technology used by Wall-Mart helping them to be successful. One of the wireless applications is used to assist the operations of the warehouse management system (WHAMS). Another wireless application utilized by Wall-Mart controls and monitors the forklifts and industrial vehicles usage which move merchandise through the distribution centers (Boogie, 2013, p. 26). There are many features and capabilities of the Vehicle Management system (VIM) which is the latest application of data communications for Wall-Mart. The VIM has the ability to send two way text messages to assist management in being more effective in the material handling of resources to the most appropriate destinations. The VIM also works effectively with Radio-Frequency Identification (RIFF) syst ems

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sharks essays

Sharks essays Sharks are any of the 340 species of fish that, together with the skates, rays, and chimeras, are sharply distinguished from the vast number of bony fish species by their cartilaginous skeletons. Sharks are very keen-sensed fishes, many species of which are able to hunt and eat nearly all the larger water animals in both shallow and deep seas. These two features account for their long evolutionary history. Many of the shark species living today are quite similar to abundant species that swam in seas of the Cretaceous period more than 100 million years ago. Sharks reveal great diversity in behavior and size. The whale shark is the largest shark and also the largest fish in the sea, measuring up to 15-m (49f) in length. The cookie-cutter shark measures less than 50 cm (19in) in length. Sharks are mainly marine fish found in all seas and are especially abundant in tropical and subtropical waters. Many types migrate up rivers. Sharks are best known as aggressive carnivores that even at tack members of their own species. Two of the largest sharks-the basking shark and the whale shark-feed on plankton, which they strain from the water with gill rakers. Altogether sharks are very different from other animals because they all have unique physical characteristics, mating habits, and feeding habits. Most sharks are gray in color and have leathery skin covered with small, sharp, pointed scales, which, unlike those of bony fish, do not enlarge during the animals growth. Usually five gills slits lie behind the head. The tail is asymmetrical, with the backbone extended into the upper lobe. Many species have rows of sharp teeth embedded in fibrous membranes instead of in the jawbones. When the sharks teeth are lost in their prey, other teeth quickly shift into position to replace the teeth that they lost. The fins and tails of sharks are rigid and not erectile, like those of the bony fish. Contrary to popular image, the dorsal fins rarely stick ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Theoretical Criminology Mid-Term Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theoretical Criminology Mid-Term - Assignment Example It is, however, worth noting that these ideas about natural reality were not scientific, but rather based on mere observation of nature (Cullen & Agnew, 2006). Good and evil were thought to exist in the natural world. It is worth noting that the developments of legal definitions as well as the treatments of crime are founded on the attempts to understand the natural explanations for crime in the physical world. Under the spiritual explanations of crime, the feudal lords in Europe during the middle age designed ways, which they thought the guilt or innocence of an individual could be indicated. One of such methods included trial by battle. In this method, the victim or a family member of the victim would fight with the offender or a family member of the offender. It was believed that God gave victory to the innocent party. Trial by ordeal was introduced in which the accused person was subjected to a painful and difficult situation (Tierney, 2006). The guilty party would die with pain and agony while (through God’s protection) the innocent party would go through such an ordeal unharmed. The aforementioned method was replaced by compurgation a method that involved the accused calling twelve individuals who were reputable in the society who would then swear that the accused person is not guilty. The idea of prison today emerged from the earlier concept of isolating the criminals in cell s where some were subjected to manual labor while others were given the bible to read (Tierney, 2006). The natural explanations for crime generally use events as well as objects found in the world for purposes of explanation what ensues. The divine sanction of the law in the traditional society provided a justification of natural explanations for crime. It is due to this that the rule of kings became natural law, as it was considered to be by divine right. The material and physical world are still used by social scientists in the modern society to seek natural explanations of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Computer Software Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Software Review - Essay Example However, unlike previous software packages, it is not possible to acquire windows 8.1 through the windows update program (Sosinsky, 2013). It was the intention of the developers of windows 8.1 to address the various complaints that users of windows 8 had. These complaints emanated from the difficulties in understanding the user interface of the software, to incompatibility problems with some important computer software programs (Sosinsky, 2013). Visible enhancements introduced in windows 8.1 includes an improvement in the start screen, a tight integration of OneDrive, additional number of snap views, internet explorer 11, an additional bundled apps, a unified search system that is empowered by Bing, capability of restoring a visible start button on the computer taskbar, capability of restoring previous behavior of an opening of the desktop of a user on the login, as opposed to the start screen (Sosinsky, 2013). Furthermore, windows 8.1 has managed to add support features for emerging technologies, such as 3D printing, high resolution displays, Miracast streaming, Wi-Fi Direct, etc. Furthermore, the user interface of windows 8.1 enables users to get the capability of easily interacting with the computer system. It uses a graphical user interface, and a point to click technology of the cursor and the mouse. This makes it to be very user friendly, giving users a good experience in using the computer system that is installed with windows 8.1 (Sosinsky, 2013). It is important to understand that the common features of a graphical user interface include menus, and icons. In windows 8.1, the start screen is able to provide the first interaction that an individual has with the operating system. This is the first image that an individual sees in a monitor, once the system has been booted. It is able to provide an individual with an access to the tools, and applications of the commonly used programs of the computer

Real World Radical Formulas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Real World Radical Formulas - Assignment Example The angle of deviation is . It is supposed to be small (see front view on the figure). We put that the origin of coordinate system is in the center of the boat and axis is along the water line. The submerged volume changes on the value for coordinate ( is infinitesimal, is the length of the boat). The corresponding additional momentum value that appears due to the Archimedes force is ( is the water density and is the acceleration of gravity). The full additional momentum value will be ( is the beam of the boat). According to the Newton’s second law for cyclic motion ( is the moment of inertia). Therefore we have equation for the natural vibrations. The solution is ( is the deviation angle at the initial time moment and is the natural vibration frequency). It is easy to see that. If the natural vibration frequency exceeds some critical value then the boat is unstable. It means that value also must not exceed some limit. To simplify this condition, one can suppose that the boat has some standard form and the centre of the boat is heavier than the edges. The assumptions give us ( is the mass of the boat and is the some characteristic length). It is well known that, because of the Archimedes law the mass of the boat is equivalent to the displacement of the boat. Finally, we conclude that must not exceed some limit. The cube root of this value multiplied by 4 is called the capsize screening value. The critical value corresponds to feet /pound1/3. Notice, that according to the consideration above, the capsize screening value proportional to the square of the natural frequency. Problem 103 b. Multiplying the formula by radical of displacement and dividing into for capsize screening value we obtain . The cube of the later formula gives us. The formula defines the displacement

Exam I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam I - Essay Example The Mexican civilization decided to learn from the ancient Toltec. For Aztec, the Toltec were the origins of all cultures. There were several mythologies for Aztec because they had combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions. This resulted in the formation of diverse culture in Mexico. The Ixtlilxochitl’s legend is one of the most important and complete creation in Mexican mythology. According to the myth Lord is the one who created the universe, stars, animals, mountains and humans. The mythological stories created by the Mixtecs are also important in the origin of Mexican mythology. It mainly describes about the isolation of people of the Southern part of Mexico. Apart from them the Mexican Noah and the Sacrificed Princess are some other important mythologies of Mexican origins. The Mexican Noah describes about the destruction of the world due to evil nature of humans. On the other hand the sacrificed princess describes about the ritual of sacrifice. The Fugitive Prince is another Mexican mythology that describes about the greed and self-survival nature of humans. The political advancements are clearly visible from this mythology. There are several other mythologies that have built up the Mexican beliefs. The most important part of the Mexican mythology i s unity in diversity. Despite the existence of several civilizations and cultures the pattern of worship is almost similar. The Huitzilopochtli is the best example of Mexican mythology that proves the common patterns of the Mexican beliefs. It is about the rising up of the skies of the South and it is surrounded by trees, divination symbols, temples and patterns. The Aztec mythology is the collection of myths of Central Mexico and Aztec civilization. Mictlantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl are the two Gods worshipped by the Mexican people as the God of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

American Government - Essay Example A democracy is flawed when government officials act in their self interest rather than the publics and when a portion of the populace is served more than others. We cannot be of the people if we are not by the people. Any reason for low voter turnout whether internally, from apathy or external sources such as intentional acts of voter suppression degrades and makes a mockery of a democracy, an ongoing experiment, a system that works only as well as people make it. By strengthening instead of weakening the Voting Rights Act of 1965, changing the voting day (Tuesday) and instituting mandatory voting among other techniques, voter turnout will be increased which is a victory in and of itself, a victory for the democratic process and we the people. Low voter turn out Pandering Political leaders usually show little interest in catering to segments of the population that historically vote in smaller numbers than the norm. They use their limited campaign resources, time and money, where it w ill do the most good. The 2012 presidential election is a good example. Republican candidate Mitt Romney courted the far-right of his party to win the primary because this was the most emotionally motivated group meaning they would vote in high numbers. Romney is credited for instituting the model for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as Governor of Massachusetts, a law that covers abortion and illegal immigrants. He did what all politicians do, pandered to the people going to the polls. The far-right Tea Party does not represent mainstream Republicans. Their voice is over-represented. Even after the presidential loss Republicans have not showed interest in attract minority voters. Voting blocks such as the Tea Party have a larger voice in government, a circumstance that does not accurately represent the population. Bad outcomes occur when a highly motivated minority carries a disproportionate voice such as when the House of Representatives shutdown the federal government, have vo ted to repeal Obamacare more than 40 times and is not allowing a vote on the immigration bill. Apathy A democratic government is designed to reflect the will of the majority and protect the civil liberties of all. Apathy, the lack of interest in the democratic process, acts to distort the ideal of democracy and not in a positive way. When half of those registered to vote choose not to exercise that right it results in a government that does not represent all people equally. People don’t vote for a variety of reasons including, ‘too busy,’ ‘don’t like either candidate,’ ‘have a disability’ and ‘just don’t care about politics.’ Voting apathy is getting worse. In 1960 nearly two-thirds of eligible voters made it to the polls, a number smaller than many other democracies but the largest turnout in the 50 years previous as well. In 2008 that relatively low number dropped to just over 50 percent. Those figures are fo r presidential elections. Off-year elections are much worse when voter apathy reaches two-thirds, a dismal number especially when compared to other democracies. Several countries consistently surpass more than 90 percent voter turnout including Australia, Belgium, Austria and Italy. (Ghosh, 2011). Voters who are more educated and of a higher socio-economic class vote in larger numbers than poor and less educated voters. In the 2008 election, according to the U.S Census Bureau, â€Å"76 percent of voters earning a median income of $50,000 or more voted, while only 59 percent of Americans

Selling Our Future - Sense of Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Selling Our Future - Sense of Place - Essay Example This is mostly so especially in the developing countries like Kenya where land is scarce and the population is constantly growing (Brown, 2009). Economically the figures show that the economy of such a country is growing through the measure of GDP. However, if the trend in population growth being experienced continues then this would be like we are poaching from the future. This is because as it is currently, the resources are already at a strain as illustrated by Brown (2009) and in future then this GDP growth will start to decline. This greatly relate with me as an accounting student in that it helps understand how ecological factors affect the growth of economy. The Kenyan experience is an interesting one because surprisingly, in the past Kenyans have enjoyed good rich soils and rainfall patterns. This has however changed due high population that in turn has cleared a huge part of land that was previously forest cover for settlements. This has led to changes in rainfall pattern and drought occurrences are very common and thus hurting the country even more economically. This thus greatly relates to what Brown (2009) says that trees are very valuable in terms of rainfall and the environment in general. Land is viewed as a property that is mainly for economic gain and ethically there are no rules that guide the owners of the land on how to use it (Leopold, 1948). The conservation ethics should be steered to each and every person if the trend is to change for the better. The animals are also part of this population because as the human population increase, so is the animal population and this occupancy has led to less and less space available. This has caused the continuous the depletion of the lands and in the long run the economy. Like Brown (2009) expresses that the world’s economy behaves like a ponzi economy in that at a glance the economy may improve. This may be due to certain activities like excessive fishing where the lives of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exam I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam I - Essay Example The Mexican civilization decided to learn from the ancient Toltec. For Aztec, the Toltec were the origins of all cultures. There were several mythologies for Aztec because they had combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions. This resulted in the formation of diverse culture in Mexico. The Ixtlilxochitl’s legend is one of the most important and complete creation in Mexican mythology. According to the myth Lord is the one who created the universe, stars, animals, mountains and humans. The mythological stories created by the Mixtecs are also important in the origin of Mexican mythology. It mainly describes about the isolation of people of the Southern part of Mexico. Apart from them the Mexican Noah and the Sacrificed Princess are some other important mythologies of Mexican origins. The Mexican Noah describes about the destruction of the world due to evil nature of humans. On the other hand the sacrificed princess describes about the ritual of sacrifice. The Fugitive Prince is another Mexican mythology that describes about the greed and self-survival nature of humans. The political advancements are clearly visible from this mythology. There are several other mythologies that have built up the Mexican beliefs. The most important part of the Mexican mythology i s unity in diversity. Despite the existence of several civilizations and cultures the pattern of worship is almost similar. The Huitzilopochtli is the best example of Mexican mythology that proves the common patterns of the Mexican beliefs. It is about the rising up of the skies of the South and it is surrounded by trees, divination symbols, temples and patterns. The Aztec mythology is the collection of myths of Central Mexico and Aztec civilization. Mictlantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl are the two Gods worshipped by the Mexican people as the God of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Selling Our Future - Sense of Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Selling Our Future - Sense of Place - Essay Example This is mostly so especially in the developing countries like Kenya where land is scarce and the population is constantly growing (Brown, 2009). Economically the figures show that the economy of such a country is growing through the measure of GDP. However, if the trend in population growth being experienced continues then this would be like we are poaching from the future. This is because as it is currently, the resources are already at a strain as illustrated by Brown (2009) and in future then this GDP growth will start to decline. This greatly relate with me as an accounting student in that it helps understand how ecological factors affect the growth of economy. The Kenyan experience is an interesting one because surprisingly, in the past Kenyans have enjoyed good rich soils and rainfall patterns. This has however changed due high population that in turn has cleared a huge part of land that was previously forest cover for settlements. This has led to changes in rainfall pattern and drought occurrences are very common and thus hurting the country even more economically. This thus greatly relates to what Brown (2009) says that trees are very valuable in terms of rainfall and the environment in general. Land is viewed as a property that is mainly for economic gain and ethically there are no rules that guide the owners of the land on how to use it (Leopold, 1948). The conservation ethics should be steered to each and every person if the trend is to change for the better. The animals are also part of this population because as the human population increase, so is the animal population and this occupancy has led to less and less space available. This has caused the continuous the depletion of the lands and in the long run the economy. Like Brown (2009) expresses that the world’s economy behaves like a ponzi economy in that at a glance the economy may improve. This may be due to certain activities like excessive fishing where the lives of the

Ralph Lauren Strategic and Operational Plans Analysis Essay Example for Free

Ralph Lauren Strategic and Operational Plans Analysis Essay Ralph Lauren Corporation Mission and Vision: â€Å"Mission- to ‘redefine American style, provide quality products, create worlds and invite people to take part in our dreams’. Vision- ‘to represent American style with a dash of British elegance and the comfort of natural fibers† (Ralph Lauren, 2013). The purpose of this analysis is to identify strategic and operational plans based upon current SWOT analysis, to include explanations and courses of action to achieve the related organization goals and the internal and external effects of our decisions to stakeholders. Ralph Lauren Corporation a Fortune 500 company headquartered in New York, NY is a leader in the design, marketing and distribution of premium lifestyle products in four categories: apparel, home, accessories and fragrances. For more than 45 years, Ralph Laurens reputation and distinctive image have been consistently developed across an expanding number of products, brands and international markets. (Enel SpA, 2013) Enel Group is responsible for the production and development of energy at a globally, with a vast majority of operations Europe and the Americas. The Enel Group produced over 29 billion kilowatts in 2013 from sun, the Earth’s heat and water enough to supply the energy needs of more than 10 million dwellings as well restrict the emission of over 20 million tons of CO2 in the environment. Enel Green Power is a world leader in the market thanks to its well-balanced product mix, providing volumes of energy well over the sector average. Enel Group has an installed capacity of 8,900 megawatts from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. (Alina-Florentina, C. 2011) Enel Group has 750 plants operating in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas. Strategic Plan: The strategic plan is geared toward generating cash flow in mature markets: In the current economic atmosphere, which is difficult, the strategic plan is designed to cut budget costs as well as increase efficiency. The Enel Group’s strategic plan, calls for a reduction in expenses of about 4 billion euros (based on 2013 controllable costs) for the 2013-2017 time frame. There mature markets are located primarily in Italy and Spain sectors. The strategic plan also provides for investment of 11 billion euros in other sectors of operation. Investments in assets will be reduced from 5.3 billion euros under the previous plan to 4.6 billion under the current strategic plan. Investment distribution assets will grow to 6.7 billion euros under the current strategic plan from around 6.2 billion euros under the previous plan. (Mills, Wiser, Porter 2009) The new strategic plan will see a 2.7 percent increase the cumulative capital expenditure compared to the previous 2013-2017 plan. Basically, the investment in research and development budget will increase to around 9.4 billion under the current strategic plan in comparison to 8.7 billion euros under the previous strategic plan. Installed capacity will rise from 38 gig watts in 2012 to 43 gig watts in the year 2017. (Alina-Florentina, C., 2011) During the implementation phase of the strategic plan period, the Enel Group expects to implement a structure simplification that will fuel minorities’ buy-out operations, when complete will increase the net income ownership at the Parent Company level from 65% in 2013 to 78% in 2017. Operational Plan: Ralph Lauren tries to uphold a very positive company culture and keep employees happy so they will stay long term. They like to promote from within and have many cases of employees starting at the bottom and working their way up to upper management. They not only offer pregnancy leave, but 3 months of parental leave as well for either parent whether having a child or adopting. They offer longer than average vacation time as well as many travel opportunities, and promotions to different locations within the company. It has been reported that although the salary is low with long hours and a highly stressful job, employees are given many rewards. Ralph Lauren offers its employees different rewards such as bonuses for attendance, employee discounts, and stock options. References Ralph Lauren Corporation SWOT Analysis. (2013). Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation SWOT Analysis, 1-8.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Architecture Design of Religious Temples

Architecture Design of Religious Temples ABSTRACT Over time new inventions and discoveries have taken place in bringing advancement to technology. So the society, people, and their mentality gets adapted to the technological advancement. The things used by them get modified, so do their tastes. Similarly there is also a huge change in the environment, architecture, the spaces they use, the type of food they have, etc. Considering these changes in the society, there is also a huge change in the way a TEMPLE; a place of worship is related to the society. Over centuries the temples’ function changed from a social institution to a place of community gathering, though there is no considerable change in its design. Is it due to imitation of the architectural form from one generation to other? Does this piece of architecture tells us about the society of this period as other pieces of architecture do? Does it still show the advancement in the technology? Is it still run under high patronage? This dissertation attempts to deliberate upon these issues and to arrive on a solution on how a contemporary temple should look like. INTRODUCTION In Hinduism ‘TEMPLE’ (mandir) is a structure that houses the gods (Encyclopaedia). It was designed to be used as a focus for all aspects of life, namely, religious, cultural, educational and social. It helps a visitor to transcend from his world so that he connects with the supreme authority, the GOD. They are also taken as places of enlightenment and liberation. Hence the principles of designing temples were derived keeping everything in mind. Initially the temple did function the way it was designed to be. A piece of architecture is said to reflect the time and the type of society to which it belongs. There is a change in everything around us. We started living and working in multi storey apartments with glass facades leaving behind the huts and bungalows. But a considerable change in temples is not witnessed. After the development of the temple typology, later was just imitation or embellishment. ‘In real world of architectural construction, temples were built by imitation: one generation copying the predecessor or one rival architect, but always with some minor modifications to keep client interest alive.’ (Oijevaar, 2007) IMPORTANCE OF TEMPLE IN THE PAST A Temple was once the most important building in the society. It proved to be the divine power, the tallest building in the society. The king paid patronage to the construction of it. It also symbolised the power and richness of the kingdom. Hence, a huge land was allocated and a huge amount of money was commissioned in the construction. Lot of masons, engineers, sculptors and labourers were engaged in its design and execution. The making of a temple was a big fair which continued over years depending on the hugeness of the temple. There are temples that were built over the reins of two to three dynasties. The making of temple was also a mode of employment in the kingdom. DESIGN DERIVATION Temples marked the transition of the Vedic religion into Hinduism. The notion of symbolising everything important with a human figure and making idols to worship them led to the emergence of a TEMPLE. Initially the typology was inspired from the Buddhist architecture. The first remarkable temple, the Durga Temple at Aiholi was said to be a chaitya hall with a peek on the top. The notion of ‘cave in a mountain’ was imitated by the architects of that period which led to the development of an inner sanctum or garbha griha, a place where the idol was placed. A pillared hall known as mandapa was designed in front of it so that people can stand and worship. Hence the initial temple was just a building made as a replica of a cave in a mountain with just two rooms namely garbha griha for the idol and a mandapa for other activities respectively. These were square rooms (square taken as a holy shape according to vastu shastra) covered with a slab above so that the devotees are not disturbed by any external elements. The examples of such temples are found in various places around Karnataka (Aihole) which was taken as the place of experimentation for temple architecture. After the development of the basic plan type in Aihole, now the problem emerged in giving it a proper shape so that it becomes a magnificent piece of architecture so that it overpowers the society. Hence the need of a dominating feature in the building emerged which later gave rise to a vertical shrine or shikara. In initial examples one can notice shikara only on the garbha griha with a flat roof on the mandapa but in course of time the flat roof on mandapa was also replaced by a shikara (smaller than that on the garbha griha). Slowly the priest started living next to the temple, the school (Veda patashala) where younger boys were taught Vedas also became a function of the temple which led to the development of more number of small rooms around the temple. Also the functions like entertainment in terms of dance or/and music performances for god, the place to feed people with the prasadam led to development of more number of mandapas. The temple with its mandapas, other small deities (generally someway related to the main deity), pundits’’ house, Veda patashala, temple tank, etc. came to be known as temple complex. Finally a huge wall was built around it to safeguard the place allotted to temple with an entrance also known as gopuram. Also the temples were developed in a way that it gives a visual feast to the visitor entering it so that he enters into a different world mentally. This is done by designing the interiors of temple and decorating them with sculptures, paintings and inscriptions from various books like bagawadgita, Ramayana, etc. Though the development seemed to be very common all over the country, the aspect of regionalism has played an important role in the development of a temple’s design. Hence many differences have been noticed in the various temples of different regions. One known as the north Indian or the Nagara had a different approach of designing compared to the one of South Indian or the Dravidian. Still the essential features of design namely garbha griha, mandapa, shikara remain to be present in both the styles though they appeared differently. TERMS: Vimana/ Prasada/ Shrine: ‘The shrine proper is termed as Vimana (measured out) in the southern context, the northern equivalent being Prasada (palace; literally seat of the deity)’ (Hardy, 2007). It contains a sanctum, garbha griha, usually square. While some early shrines seem to have been flat roofed, a Nagara or Dravida shrine has a superstructure as an integral part. The interior of the super structure is rarely accessible, and sometimes filled with solid and rubble. Shrines may be rectangular, apsidal, circular or octagonal. However the garbha griha generally remains in square shape, except for the rectangular shrines. Most of the plans are square or square generated giving importance to the four cardinal directions. Generally square generated orthogonal plans undergo maximum number of projections and evolve towards a more pronounced central emphasis. Garbha Griha: The inner sanctum is known as garbha griha. The garbha griha is a small dark room in which the idol is placed. Derived from the concept of ‘cave in a mountain’. It is generally square or derivative of square in shape. Not accessible for general public, private space of god. Mandapa/Jagmohana: All the shrines have a porch which allows people or the god servants to carry out their activities known as mandapa. A mandapa might be a closed one or an open porch. The closed mandapas get light through the door ways. The number of doorways to the mandapa may vary from one to three. In addition to it the thick walls of mandapas have bright holes of stone traceries as windows for the light to penetrate inside. Sometimes light pouches are also given in the roof of the structure. The light entered here reflects from the floor and reaches the ceiling creating a divine effect inside the mandapa. Hence the ceilings are carved in most of the mandapas. The mandapas were constructed in post and beam construction simply imitating the wooden architecture that existed before. The distance between the columns depended on the length of the stone which itself is dependent on the grade and distance of the quarry. Spans hardly exceeded 2.5m. The initial mandapas (6th -7th centuries) had flat roofs where a stone was laid out as a ceiling with a few carvings from inside so as to create a sophisticated effect. From 8th century onwards the mandapas started reflecting the shrine itself though in a comparatively smaller scale. A central bay started dominating the plan which also acts as the axis. ‘corbelled construction- the method of stepping horizontal courses progressively forward to cover a space, prevented from toppling by the weight of masonry pressing down at the rear- developed considerably from the 10th century’(Hardy, 2007). Pradakshina patha: The circumambulatory path one takes around the temple in a clockwise direction is termed as pradakshina. Here the exterior of the sanctum conveys the idea of an inner temple. For this especially a path is built around the temple with stones and this path is known as pradakshina patha. It is believed to be a scared path. It is taken in clockwise direction as suns path is clockwise. Natya mandapa: In later time there were a numerous editions in a temple. The temple started developing more as a social institution; hence things like entertainment also became the part of its rituals. To continue these rituals a different mandapa, generally connected or a stand-alone structure in front of the jagmohana was built. This mandapa is known as natya mandapa. There is a huge change in the way the natya mandapa was built when we compare from lingaraj to konark. It has seen a huge development due to the increase of the project size or patronage. Bhog mandapa: A mandapa was also designed in the later temples where people can sit and have the prasadam of the temple. Basically they are pillared halls with beautifully carved pillars where people sit and eat. Bhog meaning prasadam is how the name of it has been arrived. This is not usually found in large number of temples. A feature present in developed Nagara temples from lingaraj to puri. It disappeared after puri in konark. Gopuram: The entrance gateway of a temple is known as gopuram. It was initially a mark able structure, smaller than the shrine proper to mark the entrance to a temple. Over time it evolved to be the most important structure and hence its size increased. The tallest and the most magnificent gopurams are seen in meenakshi temple Madurai, where the gopuram looks like commanding the nature around. Gopurams are generally found in Dravidian temples. Coming to Nagara temples, a gopuram was found in mukteswar, but in further development it just disappeared. NAGARA: This typology is basically defined to possess curvilinear spires with square plans. After the experimentation of the basic design in Aihole, the further development of this typology happened in Odisha near Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar became the experimentation ground. The first notable temple here is known as parasurameswar, a temple devoted for the god Shiva built in 7th century AD. ‘The temple has a flat roofed rectangular pillared hall known as jagmohana attached to a tri-ratha deul (sanctum), which carried a squat heavy- shouldered shikara. The carvings are known for their charm and static volume’ (ASI). Next remark-able development is marked by the temple of mukteswara, built in 10th century AD with the introduction of a gopuram and a boundary wall to the temple. Mukteswara is defines as ‘a dream realised in sandstone’ (Ganguly, 1961), ‘a gem in Odishan architecture’ (ASI). Elegantly decorated from top to bottom it is designed with a low heighted boundary wall and an entrance torana. This temple is known for its sculptural beauty and also its archaeological advancement. From the flat roof over the Jagmohana it is developed into a pyramidal deul. This was achieved by slight corbelling of the stones, yet it was an achievement thinking of the time it was designed. The deul is pancha ratha on plan and stands on a low platform. The peda deul (pyramidal shikara) has two latticed windows on north and south, where the outer most part of the window depicts humorous scenes of a monkey’s life. The ceiling of jagmohana is deliberately carved in the form of a blown lotus. The pillars of this temple are very much notable. The introduction of snake pillars, relief figures and figurines, gaja simhas on pilasters was all new. The torana, known as makara torana has two crocodiles’ heads both towards two different sides and their tails meeting each other. The carvings of different goddess also present on it. The basement of the pillars supporting the arch, square in section contains on each face a miniature temple flanked at the top by gaja simhas. The sixteen- sided shafts consist each of four blocks of stone of which the topmost has loops of pearl strings hanging down from the mouths of row of kritti mukhas above. The next temple that marked a remarkable development is the temple of Raja- Rani. Though it went a little off in the development process, it still has its own contribution in the development of Nagara typology. The entire Shiva temples end with the name of ishwar ex. Parasurameswar, mukteswara, etc. there is a story behind the name of this temple. This temple was expected to be a pleasure resort for the king and the queen as the idol is missing but M.M.Ganguly rightly rejects it by talking about the absence of the stables, out houses, etc. ‘ The name Raja-Rani has been derived from very fine grain yellowish sandstone known as Raja Rani in common parlance’(Ganguly, 1961). Due to the missing of the deity inside the temple, there are still confusions if the temple was dedicated to lord Shiva or lord Vishnu. ‘The later milestone in development, the temple of Ananth Vasudev being a Vaishnavite temple and on the examination ‘khura pristha’ or the upper plinth carved as it is with the petals of lotus it appears that the temple was meant for being dedicated to Vishnu’ (Ganguly, 1961). Hence there is no confirmation on the deity of this temple. The torana that appeared in mukteswara was lost by the time Raja Rani was made. There is not much difference in the plan form. The deul is a pancha ratha plan that stands on a certain plinth. In line next is the Vaishnavite temple, the temple of Vishnu in the form of lord Krishna known as Ananth Vasudev. Here two new mandapas have seen to be emerged in the regular plan form. By then the role of temple in a society has drastically increased. The more now became more of a social institution rather than just a religious place. Hence the functions like entertainment, donation, etc. have come into the temple premises increasing the scale of the temple and giving rise to the natya and Bhog mandapas. All these mandapas were covered by a pyramidal deul (pida deul), except for the rekha deul on the garbha griha. Rekha deul is tallest of all with decreasing height of each deul in order. In plan Lingaraj temple was very similar to Ananth Vasudev but it is a shaivite temple. The plan form has evolved to the proper extent in Ananth Vasudev and as time passed the hugeness of the temple increased. Lingaraj is the most notable temple all over Odisha. It stands a mid of a numerous small shrines. Like Ananth Vasudev it has a three chambers frontal part consisting of jagmohana, natya mandapa and Bhog mandapa. There are clear evidences that the other three mandapas are later addition to the existing structure though there is a continuation of sculptures found. Shifting from Bhubaneswar the next remarkable temple was built in puri commonly known as jagannath mandir. For the first time a temple was designed in the form of a chariot. Chariot being the vehicle of god, the temples also have taken the form of a chariot. This temple has a garbha griha, jagmohana, natya and Bhog mandapas placed on a ratha. The ratha was basically a raised platform with wheels carved on it. The scale of the temple was huge compared to Lingaraj, though the plan form remained the same. A complex was designed for it with boundary walls and a proper entrance way was provided. Inside the complex were numerous small shrines dedicated to different gods along with the main shrine. Konark temple defined as the ‘black pagoda’ (Behra, 2007) is situated in Konark, a place near Bhubaneswar. The scale of the temple is very huge compared to the rest of the buildings of that era. It is considered as one of the best in terms of technological advancement of that time. Coming to the plan form, this temples’ form is a little different compared to the jagannath mandir, though it is also designed to be a chariot. A chariot of the sun god which had 12 pairs of wheels carved out on its plinth. Over the chariot are the garbha griha and the jagmohana. A natya mandapa remains to be a standalone structure in the complex. The complex contains other smaller shrines along with the main shrine. All these temples represented the time in which they were built. They represented the society, the richness of the kingdom, and the technological advancement of that time which is not exactly what the temples of day-to day represent. Further I would like to go through the development in Dravidian typology, refer to the designing of temples today and there relation with society and technology and would like to end with the parameters required in designing a contemporary temple. REFERENCES Online dictionary ( Oijevaar K.J, sept 2007, The South Indian Hindu temple building design system on the architecture of shilpa shastra and the Dravidian style, Delft University of technology, Netherlands, pg.4 Karuna Sagar Behra, 1993, Temples of Orissa, Orissa sahitya academy Krishna Chandra Panigrahi, 1961, Archaeological remains at Bhubaneswar, Kitab Mahal, pg.87-101 Adam Hardy, 2007, The temple architecture of India, John Willey and Sons ltd. Britain, pg.90-105 Karuna Sagar Behra, 2005, Konark – The Black Pagoda, Publications Division, Ministry of Information Broadcasting, Government of India

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Good, Evil and Ethics in J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings Essay

Good, Evil and Ethics in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Professor’s Comment: This student was very wise not to summarize Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. The student’s primary intention was to describe the ethical themes that can be found in the book. The first part of this essay describes Tolkien's view on the nature of good and evil, while the second part deals with his ethics of individuals. Excellent work! Introduction The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, has been called by some one of the greatest books of all time and has recently earned the claim of "greatest book of the 20th century" in a poll by Britain's Channel 4 (O'hehir). Yet at the same time scholars have often dismissed The Lord of the Rings as a fanciful children's story. While the validity of either claim can be equally well disputed, the The Lord of the Rings and related works by Tolkien nevertheless embody a very clear and consistent set of ethical themes. These themes define good and evil in terms of nature and provide a framework on which the ethical decisions of individual characters in Tolkien's stories are based. Good and Evil Good and evil in Tolkien's work are, to put it simply, that which is natural and that which is unnatural, respectively. That is, what is left alone to follow the cycles of nature is good. Any time that the cycles of nature are disrupted (such as the felling of a forest or the enslavement of a free people), there is evil. There are constant references to this in Tolkien's stories, as when Bilbo Baggins' neighbors remark on his mysterious vigor and extreme old age, "It isn't natural, and trouble will come of it" (21). Or when Sam Gamgee says of the Gandalf the wizard, "Don't let him turn me into anything unnat... ...ase one's decisions, it is nevertheless interesting to see how they play out in Tolkien's novel. If there is anything that can be said of The Lord of the Rings in general, it is that it displays an amazing amount of consistency in every aspect of the tale. This consistency extends even to its ethics, a rare phenomenon in a book of "fantasy/sci-fi." One may not agree with Tolkien's view of technology or fellowship, but the ideas are well thought-out and well developed in the story. They make the book worth reading whether you consider it a fanciful children's tale as some do, or a masterpiece of its genre, as do I and many others. Works Cited O'Hehir, Andrew. "The Book of the Century." 4 June 2001. 29 May 2002. . Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. 3 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1994.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Computers in Medicine :: Medical Technology Technological papers

Computers in Medicine In today’s society, there is a wide range of computer use. Almost every where you go today you are required to have some sort of basic understanding of how a computer is operated. In my report, I am going to tell you how computers are use in the field of medicine. There is a wide variety of use and need for a computer in the medical field. Some of the main points I will be discussing is why Health Care Professionals use computers, where computers are used in the Health System, while giving you some insight on computers in the medical field in which you may not have thought of. Computers are used by Health Care Professionals because they can help increase the productivity. This allows a health care facility to keep computerized medical records. With the programs, out there today this allows the physician to analyze a patient’s data statistically and mathematically. This leads to the use of multimedia patient records. A multimedia file is an image, text file, a video clip, and audio file: anything that can be displayed or played on your monitor or speakers. An example of this would be: A cardiologist can scan a patient’s EKG strip and attach the image to the patients record for future reference. By being able to store your patients data on a hard drive this will cut down on the amount of papers around the office, and the number of staff members a physician may need to hire. By having, a patient’s file stored in your computer memory could dramatically cut down the time it takes a physician to locate the necessary information needed for a particular patient. Not only can computers be beneficial to cutting down on the amount of work, it could also open the lines of communication between the patient and physician. If a physician begins to utilize e-mail, this could increase the amount of communication with patients. This could be beneficial to his/her practice. A computer is used in a wide variety of places throughout the Health Care System: Clerical stations for reports, memos, patients records, billing, statistics, insurance claims, charting and research graphics; Nursing stations for reports, patients records, hospital information systems; Medical instruments for patients monitors, medication delivery systems, and lab equipment. In Medical education, computers are used for Computer Aided Instructions, Computer Managed Instruction and Interactive Multi-media systems, and there are many more uses of the computer evolving such as, for diagnosis, research, Publication retrieval (National Library of